Our law firm stands out for being highly specialised in matters related to National and International Family Law, with more than 25 years’ experience in this subject matter, together with an ongoing desire for constant training as well as applying the latest legal developments and jurisprudence, by taking into account, above all, the interest and the defence of our customers’ rights, fighting for our clients’ as if they were our own.


We are experts in the dissolution of marriage, both between Spanish nationals and between people of different nationality.

Our specialisation and wide professional background speak for themselves, and we litigate and advise our clients in petitions for divorce within our borders and outside them.

We are members of international organisations formed by the best experts in Family Law.

We keep in contact with specialized solicitors all over the world.



We prepare agreements for coexistence, parent-child relationships, inheritance procedures between de facto couples, as well as settlements of common assets.



We have broad experience in wording premarital agreements, always taking into account the international element.

We analyse and plan a proper regulation of the family economy, as well as all personal elements that may affect the breakdown of couples.

In premarital agreements different issues may be agreed upon such as residence, children’s education, settlement of marriage regimes, financial compensation, testamentary provisions, etc.

We provide counsel regarding legal security on all personal and patrimonial issues among the family members.



It is necessary to have legal counsel in order to choose the most beneficial marriage settlement for our customer.

If you want to have legal security within your marriage, the right choice of the marriage settlement for your marriage is essential.

We shall help you to make sure that your choice is the right one.



We have broad experience in claiming for the acknowledgement of biological and legal filiation of minors.

We have had many successful resolutions both in claims and in challenges for filiation.

Borders are not an impediment for claiming biological filiation in our bureau.



Our main interest lies in fighting for the defence the children’s rights and, within this, the right to keep direct contact with both parents without the borders being an impediment.

The fight for the custody of children and visiting rights are some of our main aims, always acting in the interest of the child.

We work to enable visiting rights for grandparents and other relatives.



The claim for maintenance of children and relatives is one of our main specialties, no matter where in Spain or the country in which we must claim for them is. We shall defend their rights wherever necessary.



We provide advice in the management of your net worth and your assets regarding succession, both in Spain and abroad.

We prepare wills, as well as their tax dealings.

In general, we work with all issues included within the scope of Family Law, such as:

  • Separations

  • Divorces

  • De facto couples

  • Custodies

  • Adoptions

  • Parent-Childs measures

  • Non-compliance with visiting schedules

  • Issues on Patria Potestas

  • Maintenance and compensatory pensions

  • Wording of separation agreements

  • Modifications of mesures

  • Enforcements

  • Non-payments of pensions

  • Disabilities

  • Marriage and prenuptial agreements

  • Settlement of community properties

  • Application for court authorisations

  • Estates and wills